Final Self-Assessment

  1. Have you addressed all of the course learning objectives, even those that you feel you did not spend enough time working on?
  2. Have you articulated explicitly the ways in which your perceptions of writing have evolved?
  3. Have you provided evidence, in the form of your own writing and specific learning moments, that you have developed as a writer? Are you able to identify areas in which you have not progressed, either because you didn’t spend enough time with them, or you feel that you had a strong start in those areas?
  4. Have you effectively revised and edited your major assignments?
  5. Is your portfolio design effective and appropriate for digital audiences?

this is my final course assessment. throughout the semester I believe that I have completed all of my course objectives. but I will say that I had trouble in doing the second and third course adjective compared to the first, but I did a decent job. while my writing in MLA format needs more work, I am slowly getting the hang of it. for the second essay I had a hard time in the MLA format but i fixed some mistakes in the third essay. but i still have a long way before I perfect this part of my writing. I also have trouble writing essays except literature essay’s which are a little easier for me to do because I like to write in first person and was easy to write about my past experience. for example, when it comes to my first essay, I think I did pretty well and I can improve to do a lot better in this aspect, but in my second essay i had a hard time writing in a non-bias way and for my third essay I had a hard time writing about my opinion in a way that’s not overzealous. When it comes to providing evidence in my writing, I often have a hard time trimming the quotes down and in finding the right articles to use in my writing. I often use to many articles with the same opinion of my own or to many with the opposite of my opinion. but I have gotten better at coming up with reasons to why these articles support my opinion/stance no matter what stance the article takes. I mostly fixed the grammar and the mistakes in punctuation in my writing as I find it hard for me to revise anything else. finally, my design for my portfolio is both effective and appropriate for digital audiences.